
初中英语 初一下同步讲解 贾巍

初中英语 初一下同步讲解 贾巍

初中英语 初一下同步讲解 贾巍


01 Can you play the guitar.mp4

02 What time do you go to school.mp4

03 How do you get to school.mp4

04 Don’t eat in class.mp4

05 why do you like pandas.mp4

06 I am watching TV.mp4

07 it’s raining.mp4

08 is there post office near here.mp4

09 What does he look like He looks like a million dollars..mp4

10 I’d like some noddles or instant noodles.mp4

11 How was your school trip?.mp4

12 what did you do last week.mp4

13 Revise for the mid-exam Get ready for the exam.mp4

14 review of units 7-12 Get ready for the fina exam.mp4



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